Saturday 17 October 2009

Aristotle (audio - various)

This is a fine introduction to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics in several short but detailed lectures, each reviewing one chapter of the Ethics, with a solid introduction at the beginning. This is an excellent standard of dry American scholarship offered by The Teaching Company - always supplying good quality learning materials. Check out their website for more details.

Download audio TTC 'Ethics of Aristotle'

'Giants of Philosophy - Aristotle' -narrated by Charlton Heston (!)
A Knowledge Products release, their slogan being "Our country's most well-known personalities narrate the history of our civilization" This is actually a really nicely prepared audiobook with some fine details of Aristotle's life, comprehensively compiled without sensation nor ambiguity. Not the greatest fan of Heston, I was a little apprehensive but I have to admit it's great listening, he has (had) a fine speaking voice.


Paul Strathern's concise introduction to Aristotle


The Modern Scholar: Ethics (Aristotle chapter (6) only)
Professor Peter Kreeft gives a fine basic overview of The Nicomachean Ethics in this 35 minute lecture. Not detailed but really worth a listen.

Great Scientists - Aristotle (video)

Some great person shared this video on bittorrent so I'm now sharing it here on my blog. This is a twenty minute introduction to the great Aristotle produced for the Discovery Channel and presented from a specifically scientific point of view. Indeed his science etched itself so indelibly on the development of western science that it's surprising there are few videos to be found online detailing the legacy of Aristotle. This video is not detailed but compensates by being entertaining in the extreme offering a series of Pythonesque skits attempting to describe the achievements and even the behavioural habits of Aristotle and his contemporaries / predecessors. Screenshots below.

The Mark Steel Lectures - Aristotle (online video)

Posted there are YouTube videos of a 2004 BBC FOUR lecture series. Mark Steel offers us a bloody hilarious introduction to Aristotle. Filmed on location in Athens the producers use several devices including Aristotle himself - albeit a 21st century incarnation. In half an hour a general history of ancient and hellenic Greece is delivered, followed by a fairly detailed and enthusiastic biopic of Aristotle and a few related personages. The BBC editors had a field day digging for stock footage to illustrate Steel's incessant gags - from nature programmes and current (or past) affairs - a major theme apparently being political satire, and ridicule of eighties television personalities (? I know, wtf ?...) Thoroughly enjoyable. Laugh while you learn.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (audio)

Written by Edward Craig, read by Maurice west.

I've not read many of the 'A Very Short Introduction' books, but they seem really very good and generally comprehensive at the same time as vividly detailed, imaginative and generally a good read. It's certainly the case for this one.
As I've not completed the book this will not serve as a review, that will be to follow. I have uploaded the book for you to check out and feel free to write a comment about it on this post or anywhere else.

Monday 12 October 2009

AMAZING collection of Photos - Ancient Greek remains, archaeological museums &c.

I made a great find on bittorrent - some person has shared over 500 photos of Athens, Crete and other ancient sites and architectural remains including artifacts and displays in museums. Amazing collection. So I have compressed them into an archive and you can download the photos here.

There was no source note in the folder so it's anonymous however the folder title is IN Greek so I assume the photographer/uploader was Greek as well. Of course the filenames are in English so it could have been an American or Scandinavian tourist...
Thanks to them whoever they are.


Athens National Archeological Museum - Gold death mask of Agamomnon

Crete Gortyn - The Law Code

Delphi Archaeological Mosaics

Dodoni theater

Olympia - Palaestra

Rhodos - Ancient Lindos - Temple of Athena

Sounio Temple of Poseidon